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8 experiences and opinions with cloth diapers

Writer's picture: RaquelRaquel

Most new parents I talk to about cloth diapers are of two minds. On the one hand, of course they want to contribute to a cleaner future for their children. On the other hand, they are also in a very busy time of their lives now! Won't it be a lot of extra work?

To make a decision, it's helpful to hear experiences and opinions from other parents who've tried the switch to washable diapers.In this post, we have collected those experiences and opinions, both from parents who've stuck with washable diapers as well as from parents who've moved back to plastic. Let's begin šŸ˜Š

  • What

We interviewed 8 people who explained to us about their experiences with modern cloth diapers, when and why they started.

  • Who

Moms, dads, grandmothers, all are people who have used or currently use washable cloth diapers.

  • Where

The experiences with reusable cloth diapers from the interviewees take place in different parts of Europe: Spain, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.

  • When

Some of the interviewees currently use cloth diapers, while others have used them previously when their babies were still using them.

  • Why

The interviewees explain their experiences, why and how they started, and give us their opinion about cloth diapers. Read us here šŸ‘‡


Interview 1

Name: Hester

Mom of almost 3 (currently pregnant)

Location: Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands

Can you explain to us your experience with cloth diapers? When and why did you start?

I started with cloth diapers when my first baby was born in June 2018. There were a couple of reasons, the environment being the most important one to start with cloth diapers. Also we have to walk for a bit to the trash bin to get rid of our normal waste and we are a bit lazy and didn't want a pile of diapers lying around. On the other hand, I myself have a bit of hip dysplasia and using cloth diapers prevents it, so that was nice.

We use pocket diapers in the beginning, and for the nights a two-part system. With our second baby we mostly used the two-part system also during the day and we are planning to do so as well for our coming third baby. I can honestly say I never changed a disposable diaper. Even our daycare is willing to use the cloth diapers.

What do you like the most about cloth nappies?

From what I read from time to time, we do not have as many issues with cloth diapers as people who are using disposable diapers have. The ā€œpoopā€ always stays inside the diaper. And I like the fact that you do something for the environment and your wallet. We are still using some diapers that we bought in 2018.

Do you recommend them to other parents? Give us your opinion in one sentence.

If you are willing to do the washes then absolutely, but yes it is more work compared to a disposable diaper. I will always have a diaper at hand or get creative enough to make something into a diaper. I do not have to run to the store and get them when they are on sale.

I love them, won't do 3 kids in cloth diapers if I wouldn't.


Interview 2

Name: Tamara

Mom of Nura and Nil

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Can you explain to us your experience with cloth diapers? When and why did you start?

I started using reusable diapers with my second child, because as with everything else, children make us rethink about many things. With my first daughter, I saw the amount of diapers and waste generated and started researching over time. As I had already made changes with hygiene products, cleaning products, and food, this was just one more step. It's true that the newborn baby phase is the most difficult because they make a lot of "pees and poops" throughout the day, very frequently, so you must have more stock of diapers and liners, but it's the same as with clothes because you spend the day changing them.

But then, as they get a little older, everything becomes much easier. I started using them for environmental reasons, to avoid generating waste, to be more sustainable, and to think about the future.

What do you like the most about cloth nappies?

I really like that these diapers are very respectful with the baby's skin. They are made of cotton, thus, the side that itā€™s in contact with the baby's skin is a natural and respectful product that does not cause allergies or itching... you know what is touching the baby. However, with disposables, it is very difficult to know the components. It's a product that, although you have to make an initial investment, is very durable. You can use them while the child is growing up, so this initial investment yields benefits because it's not something that needs to be changed after a few months. Plus, you can pass them from one sibling to another, so it's best to make the investment with the first baby.

Do you recommend them to other parents? Give us your opinion in one sentence.

As you have to make an initial investment, I think cloth diapers are the perfect gift for a baby shower party or if you need to give a gift. If you have the confidence to ask family or close friends to give them as a baby gift.


Interview 3

Name: Violeta

Mom of Estela and Luna

Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Can you explain to us your experience with cloth diapers? When and why did you start?

I started in 2019 when my first daughter, Estela, was born. I decided to start with them because cloth diapers are better for the environment and also cheaper than disposable diapers. Although the initial cost is higher, it pays off in the long run.

Unfortunately, I stopped using them because I couldn't have the clothes and diapers ready when I needed them,. So I ended up switching to disposables.

What do you like the most about cloth nappies?

In my opinion, the best thing about cloth diapers is that they are better for the environment. The impact is very positive and impressive, considering the amount of diapers that are changed every day.

Do you recommend them to other parents? Give us your opinion in one sentence.

Yes, I would recommend them to other parents if they know how to manage and organize themselves for the washing part.


Interview 4

Name: MirĆ­am

Erin's mom

Location: Lichfield, United Kingdom

Can you explain to us your experience with cloth diapers? When and why did you start?

We started using cloth diapers a few months after our daughter Erin was born. We realized that we were not only spending money on diapers, but we were also having an impact on the environment and worsening our daughter's eczema with diapers made of plastics and microplastics. We noticed a difference in her skin quickly after switching to cloth diapers.

What do you like the most about cloth nappies?

They are easy to put on, made of natural materials (Erin has eczema), and easy to wash.

Do you recommend them to other parents? Give us your opinion in one sentence.

Definitely, I recommend them, they are comfortable, practical, good for the skin, and good for the environment!


Interview 5

Name: Rosa MarĆ­a

Jordaan and Tiago's grandma

Location: Terrassa, Spain

Can you explain to us your experience with cloth diapers? When and why did you start?

I had my first experience with modern cloth diapers four years ago when my daughter started using them with my grandchildren. I had seen them with my siblings but they were nothing like the current ones.

What do you like the most about cloth nappies?

My surprise was how practical modern cloth diapers are, how much money they save, and how beneficial they are for the planet.

Do you recommend them to other parents? Give us your opinion in one sentence.

Of course I do, they are practical and provide very good results.

PaƱales de tela UnuPana Entrevista 1 experiencia paƱales lavables

Interview 6

Name: Ana

Bjƶrn's mum

Location: Monistrol de Montserrat, Spain

Can you explain to us your experience with cloth diapers? When and why did you start?

I used cloth diapers with my son from the beginning. I have always been concerned about the environment and was aware of the waste that disposable diapers generate. I started looking for information about cloth diapers, but it was difficult for me to find them at that time. When you really think about it, a washable diaper is just like any other piece of clothing. You put it in the washing machine to wash, just like you do with your kids' dirty clothes, with vomit... The truth is that in the end, using cloth diapers seemed super easy to me.

People asked me if I was crazy: "Are you going to carry a dirty diaper when you go out?" But when I went out, I carried my diapers well folded in my bag and a waterproof bag. And it was easy, zero waste.

At the hospital when my son was born, they told me to use disposable diapers. However, in daycare when my son started, they did not give me any problems. They had never used them before, so I explained how they worked and brought them clean cloth diapers and took the used ones home to wash. And the truth is that it worked well.

What do you like the most about cloth nappies?

The best thing about reusable diapers is that you generate very little waste, or even none at all. Also, one of the things I like the most about them is that my son never used any diaper rash cream and his skin never got irritated.

For example, for my sister, due to the irritation she had on her skin, my parents had to buy special disposable diapers for irritated skin instead of suggesting cloth diapersā€¦

Do you recommend them to other parents? Give us your opinion in one sentence.

I highly recommend cloth diapers. It's hard to convince people to try them out, but those who have taken my advice are all very happy. It's nothing out of the ordinary, you just collect the diapers and wash them every couple of days without generating waste.


Interview 7

Name: Akke

Stach's mum

Location: Joure, The Netherlands

Can you explain to us your experience with cloth diapers? When and why did you start?

We started using cloth diapers from the beginning when our first child was born. We only use disposable diapers when we go on vacation.

What do you like the most about cloth nappies?

That they don't leak: we use two-piece diapers (All-in-Two). And that you don't have to constantly buy new diapers.

Do you recommend them to other parents? Give us your opinion in one sentence.

Absolutely, although you have to learn to do laundry often. Cloth diapers work really well for me. Our other baby will be born in the next few weeks and we will start using them right away.


Of course Iā€™m biased, but I didnā€™t want to leave without sharing my own experience on how we started using cloth diapers. Because all of this led us to embark on this beautiful journey and create our own cloth diaper: UnuPana, which we dedicate so much love and care to every day.


Interview 8

Name: Raquel

Mum of two

Location: Haarlem, The Netherlands

Can you explain to us your experience with cloth diapers? When and why did you start?

I started using cloth diapers with my first child in 2018. Shortly after he was born, we realized the tremendous amount of waste disposable diapers generated and started researching the topic of cloth diapers. At that time, we began to discover the different modern cloth diapers available and the benefits they had for both our baby and the planet. When we made the switch, we realized that most of our preconceived ideas about cloth diapers were incorrect, such as the idea that they were inconvenient to use. It was great to know that with each diaper wash, we were saving waste, money, and preventing irritations to our baby's sensitive skin.

The only difficult part of using reusable diapers was finding the perfect one. As we had contacts in the Spanish textile industry, a great interest in the topic, and saw so many misconceptions about cloth diapers among friends and family, we decided to create our own cloth diaper and found UnuPana. Now we only use our brand of reusable diapers with our second child. We are obviously delighted! šŸ˜Š

What do you like the most about cloth nappies?

What I like most is that we do not generate any polluting waste for the environment, and we know exactly what is in contact with our baby's skin with our UnuPana inserts: organic cotton, nothing else. On the other hand, the cost-saving aspect is also a big plus. With our first child, we saved quite a bit of money, but now with the second, the savings are incredible because we use the same cloth diapers.

Do you recommend them to other parents? Give us your opinion in one sentence

Absolutely! Using eco-friendly cloth diapers not only greatly benefits the environment, but also provides better care for your little one and, and also, for your wallet. More and more people are encouraged to use them, as people are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental problem and are also discovering that today's cloth diapers are not what our grandmothers used to tell us, we can just put them in the washing machine and that's it. The truth is, I would encourage everyone to make the change, start with one, try them out. I'm convinced that they will fully embrace it later!


In hearing the experiences of parents trying cloth diapers, I've noticed that what mostly determines whether they stick with it or not is whether they build a good routine around it. If you have one cloth diaper next to the pile of clothes to be washed, then of course it seems like a lot of work, with all the extra washing. But if you build a routine around it with a critical mass of cloth diapers and a process for washing and drying, then it's about as easy as plastic diapers. And without having to throw all the waste, for example.

If, after learning about all these experiences and opinions, you are interested in taking the first step with cloth diapers, here is a guide to help you choose the cloth diaper that best suits you and your baby. And if you want to join the cloth diaper revolution šŸ’š and try your first UnuPana cloth diaper, you can do it directly from here.

If you still have doubts about how to start with cloth diapers or how to use them, we have some videos for you to see how easy it is. You can also contact us through our contact page, we will be happy to help you resolve your doubts.

And you, have you ever used cloth diapers and want to share your experience with us? You can share your story with us here so we can add it into our post or just comment to us on this article. We will be happy to read you.

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